Greetings to the Students of the Reading 101 course.
Below you will find a sampling of the many resources made available to you via the Ruidoso Campus library's webpages!
You have a variery of options for locating and accessing books.
- Go get em!..............Illiad (inter library Loan Sysyem). Used in conjunction with a holdings catalog such as World Cat allows you to request that actual books be sent to you from any library any where.
- E-books from NetLibrary allows you to read electronic versions of published books online.
- Services such as allow you to download books to your computer or other e-reading device to read at your leasure.

Can be accessed via name of the magazine or via searches for a specific set of search terms.
Some of our database choices are:
- Albuquerque Journal
- Las Cruses Sun Times
- Roswell Daily News
Ready Reference: