Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Library Resources: Writing for Science Professionals

Remember whether you are searching any of our databases or even utilizing an Internet search engine (such as Google) the key to successful searching is to utilize these basic search techniques:

  1. Make use of multiple search terms ( elderly, aged, or senior )
  2. Combine terms using and to narrow your search ( exercise and stress and women )
  3. Use "quotes" to force phrase searches ( " global warming" )
  4. Add * to a base to look for all forms of the term ( tattoo*, for tattoos, tattooed, or tattooing )

Science Periodical Searching

Search for journal articles in a database specifically designed for your subject matter, go to the library home page, scroll down and click the Online Research link, and select one of the databases listed below from the database subject guides, in this case Sciences and Health. When accessing the databases from anywhere besides the Portales campus, you will need to enter your ENMU student ID# at the remote authentication screen.

Databases for Chemistry, Math, Physics, Engineering, Geology:

Databases for Biology

CINAHL is the primary database for nursing research, however, one other database, Science Direct database can be helpful if your topic involves a medical or physiological component.

Requesting Library Material via Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

  • Click the ILLiad Login link from the Books category of the page
  • Click the First Time User button and fill out the ILLiad registration form
  • Enter your ENMU email address, so we can contact you about your requests
  • Select Distance Ed Undergraduate Student in the Status box, so we'll know to send material directly to you
  • Enter an ILLiad username of your choice (your e-mail/Blackboard username recommended) and your ENMU student ID # as your ILLiad password

Once registered, you will be taken to the ILLiad main menu for your account. Click the place a request Article button (for journal articles) or Book button (for books and DVDs), located on the left-hand sidebar, and complete the form with your citation information.

Anytime you wish to use the system, return to the same ILLiad Log In/Registration link and log in with your ILLiad username and password.

You will be notified via your ENMU email account when your item is available. 99% of articles will be delivered electronically to your ENMU email or Illiad account. Books and DVDs will be mailed directly to you.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Welcome Com 102 Class Public Speaking

As an aid in the  selection of a topic I would recommend Points of View. This database guides you from basic categories to specific topics with in those categories and provides basic background and points of view for a vast number of topics.

OmniFile: a database for locating articles to support your argument on any topic.
OmniFile Full Text Select is a 100% full-text database and presents full text with every entry from more than 1,600 publications.
This database is a good jumping off point to survey recently published information on any current events or recent developments that you might need for your topic.

Remember whether you are searching any of our databases or even utilizing an Internet search engine (such as Google) the key to successful searching is to utilize these basic search techniques:

  1. Make use of multiple search terms ( elderly, aged, or senior )
  2. Combine terms using and to narrow your search ( exercise and stress and women )
  3. Use "quotes" to force phrase searches ( " global warming" )
  4. Add * to a base to look for all forms of the term ( tattoo*, for tattoos, tattooed, or tattooing )

 Points of View, OmniFile and several alternative database selections may be found on the library's Online Research page.

Happy searching!
