I am happy to re-introduce you to a choice of Databases for locating much needed articles for your public speaking topics and research projects. The selection of databases available from Info Trac is capable of providing you with the next generation of features in fulltext article retreival.
The full assortment of general to disapline specific databases can be found at Gale Info Trac Choices (you need only type in your student ID# to access any or all of these resources.
Let's take a look at what you can do with one of them!
includes journals and periodicals covering a wide variety of disciplines, from social science, humanities and politics to medicine, general interest and science.
The default for retrieval in these databases is for full text, but you success in finding what you want lies in defining your search. Remember to:
- Make use of multiple search terms ( edlerly, aged, or senior )
- Combine terms using and to narrow your search ( exercise and stress and women )
- Use "quotes" to force phrase searches ( " global warming" )
- Add * to a base to look for all forms of the term ( tattoo*, for tattoos, tattooed, or tattooing )
Once you have retrieved your searcxh result examine each summary, noting the legnth and tpue of the article. Does it include accompanying graphics or images?
Finally check out the tools for capturing the article: You can print it, e-mail it, cite it, down load it, or even translate it.
You can even have the article read to you!