Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What's New?.......... Books and DVD's

Want to check out some of the recent books additions to our collection?

How about something from our DVD collection.

Then visit the library's wiki site at :

Thanks to the continuing efforts of our dedicated student assistants a list of our most recently acquired titles are available to browse through, complete with call #s, so you can go straight to the shelf or to the circulation desk.

Either Alice or Nicole will be glad to assist you in finding, viewing, or checking out any of the items of interest.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Meet the Student Assistants @ ENMU-Ruidoso

We  have two student assistants to help you with your library research needs.

Please welcome:


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Welcome to the Virtual Library

Greetings to the Students of the Reading 101 course.
Below you will find a sampling of the many resources made available to you via the Ruidoso Campus library's webpages!


You have a variery of options for locating and accessing books.


  1. Go get em!..............Illiad (inter library Loan Sysyem). Used in conjunction with a holdings catalog such as World Cat allows you to request that actual books be sent to you from any library any where.

  2. E-books from NetLibrary allows you to read electronic versions of published books online.

  3. Services such as allow you to download books to your computer or other e-reading device to read at your leasure.


Can be accessed via name of the magazine or via searches for a specific set of search terms.

Some of our database choices are:

New Mexico Newspapers

      Thursday, February 26, 2009

      Welcome Back! UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar

      In this session we will look at finding Quality Resource materials in Journals, Magazines and on the Internet.

      Periodical Databases can be found on our Online research page:

      Remember that access to the databases is via your student ID# and that search the general databases category will give you the broadest range of source materials, while using the discipline specific recommendations will help you keep the sources within the scope of your course's field of study.

      In seeking Quality look for:

      Academic Journal:

      •Reputation of the Source Publication
      •Author & his/her credentials
      •Currency of information: date
      •References and source materials


      •Sponsor of the site
      •Author & Creditability
      •Currency of information: last updated
      •References and support materials
      •Additional links

      Monday, February 2, 2009

      Welcome UNIV 101 class: Freshman Seminar

      The Ruidoso Campus Library is here for you!!! ... M - Th 8am - 9pm, F -8am - 5pm and Saturday 10am - 4pm. As well as 24/7 @

      Things to do:

      With an active e-mail and Illiad account you can request any of the 400,000+ books or any journal articles available from the main campus collection.


      Search our catalog for books: Ruidoso College Collection

      Books through Intra Library Loan: WorldCat (world-wide catalog of books)

      Deciding on topics: try Points of View (from our online resources page)

      For articles on your chosen topic: Wilson Select Full Text Plus , ProQuest Research , or Academic Search Premier (also from our Online resources page)

      Access to these database sources is via your ENMU ID#. Also, it is recommended that you first restrict your results to full text retrieval and designate that you want scholarly or peer-reviewed journal articles.

      Additional Sources:

      New Mexico Newspapers : Albuquerque Journal, Las Cruces Sun, and Roswell Daily Record